Wednesday, July 13, 2011

UBD Resignation Letter

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chassity,

    Love the lesson! Such a good thing for high schoolers to be learning, but seems like something that is rarely taught in the schools. I know that I could have greatly benefited from this lesson, many of my high school jobs ended in severed relationships.

    Praise: Really like the concept of the lesson, students need to know what is acceptable when leaving a job and why it's important to not burn bridges. If you want a reference in the future, or to have the possibility to be re-hired you need to leave on good terms. I also like the idea of this being applied to an overarching letter writing unit.

    Question: How would you actually teach this lesson? I know that you planned to show the video on youtube, but I am wondering if there will be any discussion about the video or the concept of resignation letters, teacher led or student led? Will the teacher relate this idea back to letter writing and letter components? How will the teacher model 'short and to the point'? I was also wondering about assessment, how are these letters being assessed?

    Polish: This lesson is great! I know the assignment did not call for complete clarity about the actual teaching but I am curious about what the classroom will look like during the lesson. Does the teacher lead a conversation about these letters or do the students have the conversations in their pairs. Great work Chassity.

