Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Instructional Strategies

In kindergarten learning how to read is very important. Some effective ways to teach and enforce reading are:

*Guided Reading
*Reading Buddies
*Book making
*Predicting whats next in a book

Friday, July 1, 2011

Teacher/student role in a learning environment (ESR 505)

This is a clip from the movie Freedom Writers. This particular part in the movie shows an activity that the teacher came up with after viewing her students at recess and noticed that they were all apart of different cliques and none of them were socializing with each other.

 Ms. Gruwell, is a teacher that accepted a position in which she as not prepared for. She is having a rough time getting to know that students and their way of life so she does a number of things including this activity shown. In the clip she poses questions and if the answer is yes the students move to the line that has been placed on the floor in front of them. By doing this, Ms Gruwell is trying to get the students to see that they all come from similar backgrounds and have similar struggles. She engages the students by giving them a choice. Either they can do the activity or they can continue to work in their notebooks. Doing this she gets all the students to participate and starts her activity.

The students in this clip are being guided by the questions that the teacher has. Based on their questions they will either move or stay where they are. They often give the teacher verbal feedback based on what it is that the teacher asks.

The clip is centered around the teachers questions and the students answers. The goal of this lesson is to get the students to think about what situations they have encountered.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Educational Philosophy

 I believe that the education of students takes the willingness of both the teacher and the student. I believe that the teacher’s role is to begin with a set of expectations that will challenge the students but at the same time, be high enough that all are able to reach them. The teacher should create a learning environment that fosters education, perseverance, and hard work.  Making for an excellent community of learners who know what is expected of them.
As a teacher my main goal is to bring an open mind, a positive attitude, and high expectations to the classroom each and every day.  It is my duty to provide these things for my students. As a teacher who will collaborate I owe it to my colleagues to bring consistency, diligence, and friendliness in order to inspire and encourage them as well as my students.
When it comes to my students I believe that it is their role to be active learners daily. They should feel free to question things that they don’t understand. They should depend on one another as a community to figure out that which may become confusing. As a whole, both the teacher and the student are equally responsible for the educational growth of the classroom as a community of learners.

Friday, June 17, 2011

TIE 535

Hey guys!!!  This blog was created for a course I am taking at NLU. Thanks for visiting!!