Monday, June 20, 2011

Educational Philosophy

 I believe that the education of students takes the willingness of both the teacher and the student. I believe that the teacher’s role is to begin with a set of expectations that will challenge the students but at the same time, be high enough that all are able to reach them. The teacher should create a learning environment that fosters education, perseverance, and hard work.  Making for an excellent community of learners who know what is expected of them.
As a teacher my main goal is to bring an open mind, a positive attitude, and high expectations to the classroom each and every day.  It is my duty to provide these things for my students. As a teacher who will collaborate I owe it to my colleagues to bring consistency, diligence, and friendliness in order to inspire and encourage them as well as my students.
When it comes to my students I believe that it is their role to be active learners daily. They should feel free to question things that they don’t understand. They should depend on one another as a community to figure out that which may become confusing. As a whole, both the teacher and the student are equally responsible for the educational growth of the classroom as a community of learners.

Friday, June 17, 2011

TIE 535

Hey guys!!!  This blog was created for a course I am taking at NLU. Thanks for visiting!!